Hear what some of the top leaders in the association have to share about the key advocacy issues addressed at the REALTORS® Legislative Meetings in Washington, D.C. Shannon McGahn, NAR’s Chief Advocacy Officer leads the discussion and is joined by Andy Mahowald, Public and Federal Issues Committee Liaison, Pete Kopf, 2023 Vice President of Advocacy, and Joe Harris, NAR’S Vice President of Government Advocacy.
Joe Harris sheds light on what NAR is doing on Capitol Hill to address the number one issue facing the industry today, the housing inventory shortage, and how the national, state and local associations are working together to solve the nationwide problem.
Pete Kopf shares the key messages our members are addressing with their respective members of Congress including ways to incentivize and increase inventory.
Andy Mahowald shares the startling statistics on the disparity between Black, White, Asian and Hispanic homeownership, and what NAR is doing to help close the gap.