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Community Pillars

In August, I attended NAR’s incredible commercial conference, the C5 Summit. One of my priorities, sustainability, was a big topic of conversation. None other than Nadeem Meghji, head of real estate Americas at Blackstone, said his company was putting a huge emphasis on environmental, social and governance goals, calling it “the right thing to do for the planet.” There were also great conversations about the market, technology and economic development. The event reminded me just how big NAR’s commercial tent is.

As C5 speakers talked about all the ways NAR has advanced commercial real estate interests, from securing infrastructure funding to shutting down detrimental tax proposals, it became clear just how central we are to this profession. We’re fighting for you at the national, state and local level, working closely with NAR’s commercial affiliates and other commercial real estate organizations. In November, we’ll launch a marketing campaign (see right) that highlights the essential role you play in shaping communities and revitalizing the buildings where we all live, work and play.

Leslie Rouda Smith


About Create

Create is a quarterly publication for commercial practitioners, members of the National Association of REALTORS® and commercial real estate industry leaders. Members can subscribe by updating your member profile information to include commercial interests in the "Field of Business" list.

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