Is the back door of your business open? In other words, are you seeking to grow your brokerage but prospective sellers, buyers, and even real estate agents slip off your radar because you’re not making meaningful connections?
If your answer is “I don’t know,” “maybe,” or a definite “yes,” then the following tips will help you make lasting business relationships.
1. The Right Way to Do Business Cards
Business cards are still very critical for building your contact database — which every real estate profession should be doing no matter where you are in your career. Since the 17th century, business cards have been used to connect and make a first impression. You can learn something about a person from the design, condition, and neatness of his or her business card, so your cards should accurately reflect your brand, real estate specialties, and personality. Make sure you include an easy way to connect online, whether it be your Facebook page,® profile, or another social media URL. I recommend asking a new connection for his or her business card before providing your own; that way, you show true interest, and it’s flattering to the individual. Plus, having that person’s contact information in your hands gives you the power to make the first move.
2. Get a Digital Business Card
Take all of the power of a paper business card and add the ability to seamlessly update information, share it en masse, and track engagement. My new favorite e-business card is CardTapp, which not only provides your contact information but also your listings, a mortgage calculator, a prequalification form, your website or blog, videos, a showing appointment scheduler, and anything else you want to link. It’s essentially a personalized mobile app that you can share with your new contacts via text message. The person clicks on the link to open up your e-card. Your visitors will receive access to the real estate tools you’ve added once they register, which gives you their contact information. Plus, CardTapp allows your contacts to share your digital business card with their friends. This is perfect for your agents who are “networking machines” at social soirees but have a hard time following up in a timely manner. You can also track via text messaging how often a contact taps on your account — indicating business opportunities — and set up text alerts when a prospect is viewing your listings or using your mortgage calculator. These tools help you or your agents know when you have a “live one.”
3. Use Your CRM
Some people love their CRM; others don’t. I get it. If the technology isn’t already part of your daily prospecting routine, it can be hard to put it in use. But the bottom line is most CRMs offer the power found in digital cards while helping you or your agents to proactively stay in touch with your contacts via social media, text messages, e-mail, and video messages. If you provide a CRM to your agents, make sure they are taking full advantage of its perks. Offer regular trainings. Task an employee with getting agents on board. CRMs are enigmatic for many, so check out my tips on picking a CRM that will improve your productivity by perusing my recent article, “6 Must-Haves for Your Next CRM.”
Have any of these methods helped you connect with contacts? I would love to read your thoughts below. Have more questions? Ask away by following me on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Google+ or by visiting LearnWithLee.Realtor. And, be sure to get a copy of the 5-star rated workbook, Plan to Win, to transform your real estate sales game plan. Here’s to your success.