Look out for Drive With NAR: The Safety Series, examining risks you face on the job with firsthand accounts from members highlighting tools, tips, and tactics to help you stay safe in the field.
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You may not be aware of your vulnerability in these areas of your business. Here’s how to correct behaviors that put your safety at risk.
Safety procedures are just as important for teams as individual agents. Here’s how to make personal security part of your team’s culture.
Most professionals believe these ideas will improve their personal security in the field. Sometimes, they’re wrong.
Scammers often use fake emails and other phishing exploits to launch larger attacks like ransomware. Familiarize yourself with the warning signs.
Educate your clients about the telltale signs of lead, asbestos and mold, and know how to help them properly remediate.
When your clients are opening their doors to the public for showings, they need to take extra precautions. Share these suggestions to help them...
These technologies block scammers, secure sensitive documents and shield your browsing history from being exploited, among other valuable benefits.
Homeowners have only three to four minutes to evacuate in the event of a blaze, research shows. Share the dangers with your clients to help them prepare and stay safe.
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