How to Promote NAR’s Bilingual Resources to Members

Logo: NAR en Español

Today, at least 120,000 National Association of REALTORS® members identify as Spanish speakers. The homeownership rate among Hispanics in the U.S. has hit an all-time high of 51%, approaching the overall U.S. rate of 65.2%, according to the NAR 2024 Snapshot of Race and Home Buying in America, which reflects 2022 data (the most recent available).

NAR en Español as launched in 2019 after members asked for more content, tools and resources in Spanish, says Alejandro Escudero, NAR director of global strategy and engagement.

“Because we are an increasingly diverse and global organization and believe that this opens a great deal of business opportunity for our members, I look forward to seeing our state and local associations fully leverage the potential of these translated resources,” Escudero says. 


Bilingual Resources

Consider promoting these translated resources on your association website to help support your members— and local buyers and sellers—who speak English as a second language. 

NAR en Español

  • Access step-by-step guides that explain how working with an agent who is a REALTOR® adds value to the process.
  • How associations can work effectively with volunteers and increase member participation.
  • View “Window to the Law” videos with Spanish subtitles.
  • Watch webinars on business practices, such as how to delegate and achieve work-life balance, and how to add value in times of crisis.

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