Water Infrastructure Toolkit

REALTORS® are in a unique position when it comes to water infrastructure issues. They see the situation from all sides, whether it’s fighting for water rights for a development; keeping on top of local, state, and federal regulations so they can inform their customers; or tracking the effect of water availability on the value of area real estate. Real estate professionals often find themselves in the thick of water battles, and must explain local water requirements to property buyers and answer their questions about water supply and quality.

This toolkit is intended to offer a grounding in the basic issues of water infrastructure and to point to further resources for those wanting to delve deeper into particular aspects. The information can help REALTORS® be strong advocates for the water rights of their customers and be community leaders proactive in finding solutions to infrastructure challenges. REALTORS® can become an important source of information not just for their customers, but for the public at large.


Smart Growth Publications and Toolkits

Check out and download NAR's On Common Ground Magazine, the Smart Growth Toolkit, the Water Insfrastructure Toolkit, Transportation Toolkit, and more.

Smart Growth

The healthier a community, the better the environment for REALTORS®. Keeping a community attractive, livable and functioning well is a complex task.