Local Association Finds Secret Formula for Boosting Broker Involvement in Advocacy

In three years, Cape Fear REALTORS® in Wilmington, N.C., has moved from having one of the lowest levels of Broker Involvement Program participation to one of the highest. NAR’s Broker Involvement Program provides broker-owners with a free tool to rally their agents on critical legislative issues affecting the real estate industry. Member participation in NAR calls for action is increased because notices are sent through the broker’s email system, not through the general NAR email.  

“We tried several things to secure broker buy-in,” says Shane Johnson, Cape Fear REALTORS®’ chief operating officer. “First, we sent a letter to brokers explaining the value of BIP, followed with scripted calls.” The script was brief and, beyond the initial benefits, explained that enrollment would help the association comply with Core Standards.

“We don’t call brokers often, so when they picked up the phone, we used it as an opportunity to ask if they had any suggestions about services. That provided us with good, timely customer feedback,” said Johnson. Once the calling effort was completed, the broker membership form was changed to include a BIP enrollment opt-in check box. “Almost all of our new brokers now automatically sign up for BIP. Those who don’t, usually come on board once they get a better understanding during a follow-up call. It’s an ongoing effort, however, due to constant changes in membership,” says Johnson.

“Cape Fear REALTORS®’ approach is simple to use, and hopefully more local associations can reach this high level of participation,” says Bill Malkasian, NAR’s vice president of political strategic planning. For copies of Cape Fear’s BIP recruitment materials, email shane@Capefear.realtor.

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