This FAQ contains answers to general questions related to NAR's committee appointment process including how to join a committee and the selection process.


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What do committees of the National Association of REALTORS® do?

Committees help shape the direction of NAR and its policies. They are the first place where ideas are discussed and they bring recommendations forward to the Board of Directors for their vote and approval.

Why should I serve on a committee?

NAR’s committees are a great forum for debate and discussion. Being on a committee allows you to contribute to the decision-making process, and gain national experience beneficial for those seeking a leadership role.

Do I have to be a member of the National Association of REALTORS® to serve on a committee?

Yes, committee service is a member benefit.

How long are committee terms?

Terms of service range from one to three years. Review the Committee Structure for specifics, including purpose, composition, and term of each committee.

What are the criteria to serve on a committee?

Please review a committee’s desired membership qualifications on the Committee Structure webpage.

Can I choose the committee I want to serve on?

If you have an area of particular interest or expertise, it would be very helpful to make this known in your member expertise profile. Such preferences are taken into consideration in the appointment process.

Is there a limit to how many committees I can serve on?

Yes. A member shall not serve on more than one committee/advisory board/advisory group/council/forum per year. However, an exception will be made for those serving in a “by virtue” capacity or if the President deems necessary to maximize expertise.

Are national directors required to apply for a NAR committee appointment?

All NAR Board of Directors are strongly encouraged to apply to serve on a NAR committee. Every effort will be made to provide an upcoming director with his or her preference for a committee assignment.

Is there a fee to serve on a committee or do I get paid for committee work?

No. Committee membership is a volunteer position.

What staff support is available to appointed committee members?

Each committee is supported by one, sometimes two, staff executives, who attend each committee meeting and assist the committee in a broad variety of ways. These include the conceptualization and implementation of activities, tracking follow-up between meetings, drafting agendas, minutes and reports, communication with other committee staff executives, and providing general support in accomplishing the mission of the committee within the structure of the association.

Application Process

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How can I apply to a committee?

Applying to a committee is simple; visit the committee application webpage to get started:

How many committees may I apply for?

Members may submit applications for up to 5 committees, ranked in order of preference.

Can I reapply to committees I have served on in the past?

Absolutely! We encourage previous members to serve on committees for more than one year. They are already knowledgeable about the committee and can bring needed expertise to the work. That said, there are term limits for committee service. Service on a committee shall be limited to two consecutive two- or three- year terms or five consecutive one-year terms, whichever is longer, without a break in service of one year.

What is the timeline for the committee appointment process?

The committee application website opens on March 1 each year. For a complete list of deadline dates, see the Committee Appointment Process Timeline.

Why must a member submit an expertise profile along with their committee application?

The member expertise profile will provide Leadership with key information about the applicant’s professional and association experience. The information in the expertise profile will be used as a resource when identifying members to serve on a committee(s).

Am I required to upload a photo in my expertise profile?

A photo of you aids in personalizing your expertise profile. While you are not required to upload a photo, please do so in order to assist the selection team in getting to know their colleagues. If you have difficulty uploading a photo, please contact the Committee Programs Coordinator at

Do I need to submit an application in order to be considered for a state or affiliate representative position?

Yes. When recommending representatives, state association and affiliate executives will only be able to select names from members who have submitted applications. They will not be able to recommend anyone who did not submit an application.

May I submit a committee application for someone else?

No, applications cannot be submitted for someone else. If there is a specific member you want to be considered to serve on a committee, he/she must submit an application.

If I am serving on a committee in a continuing term, do I still need to submit an application?

No, the application system will prevent a member serving in a continuing term from applying to the same committee. However, if you would like to resign from your continuing term appointment and be considered for another committee appointment, then an application must be submitted.

If I am serving as a Vice Chair on a committee, do I need to submit an application?

No, Vice Chairs will ascend to the Chair position at the approval of the President-Elect. Vice Chairs are required to have an updated expertise profile.

Can I submit an application after the deadline date?

No, late applications will not be accepted or considered. The committee application website closes at 11:59 p.m. CT on the deadline date provided on the Committee Appointment Process Timeline.

If I made a mistake or left something out of my application after it has been submitted, can I make changes?

No, once applications are submitted they can not be changed. Applicants can view the application, but no edits can be made. The application would need to be deleted and re-entered. If an application is deleted, any endorsements received for that application will also be deleted. Revisions to your expertise profile may be made at any time.


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When can I submit an endorsement for a member?

After a member submits an application, s/he will provide their endorsers with a unique link to access the endorsement page online via email or text message. The quick buttons and application link will be available automatically after an application is submitted.

How many endorsements may I receive?

Members who have submitted an application to serve on a committee may obtain up to three (3) endorsements from member colleagues regarding their qualifications per each application. After three (3) endorsements have been submitted for an application, the system will not accept additional endorsements.

Who can submit endorsements?

Affiliate CEO/EVP, Affiliate Past President, Affiliate President, Affiliate President-Elect, Affiliate Staff, Communications Director, Member Services Director, Government Affairs Director, Education Director, Local Executive Officer, Local Past President, Local President, Local President Elect, Local Staff, Local MLS Director, Regional MLS Director, National Committee Liaison, National Chair, National Director, National Vice Chair, NAR DSA Recipient, NAR International Member, NAR Member, NAR Past President, Past NAR Officer, Past Regional Vice President, Regional Vice President, State Education Director, State Association Executive, State Past President, State President, State President Elect, State Staff.

An member login containing a valid Member ID is required in order to submit an endorsement.

Can members of the NAR Leadership and appointed Vice Presidents accept a member's request for an endorsement?

No. Current and incoming NAR Leadership Team, appointed and incoming Vice Presidents, and NAR Staff may not accept a member's request for a committee endorsement. As national leaders or staff they have a distinctive role in the committee appointment process and endorsing a member’s committee application is not permitted.

How will I know that my endorsements have been received?

You will be able to view your endorsements under your submitted applications. You will only be able to view your endorser’s name and title.

Must my endorsements be received by the deadline?

Yes, endorsements must be submitted by the deadline when the database closes. Endorsements via email will not be accepted.

Selection Process

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Who makes committee appointments?

The President-Elect makes the appointments for vacancies occurring in the year of his/her presidency. The First Vice President makes the appointments for Vice Chair positions.

What if I don’t get selected?

With just 2,500 positions available, NAR is unable to appoint everyone who submits an application. The Association encourages members to try again the following year. Also, potential candidates should consider committee opportunities at the state and local level to gain experience. Many of those serving on national committees have had years of experience at the local or state level.

If I’m not selected to serve on a committee, what else can I do to get involved?

  • Apply for the NAR Leadership Academy
  • Attend a committee meeting that you are interested in. Unless there are exceptional reasons for confidentiality, meetings of the Association are open to any member.
  • Consider committee opportunities at the state and local level to gain experience.

Meeting Logistics

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Do committees meet via conference call or in person?

Most committees meet in person at REALTORS® Legislative Meetings in May and REALTORS® Conference & Expo in November. Some committees may conduct conference call or webinar meetings in addition to their face-to-face meetings.

Is it necessary/mandatory to attend every committee meeting?

Committee chairs, vice chairs and members accept the responsibility for carrying out the goals of their committee(s) when appointed, and attendance at the two annual business meetings is part of that responsibility. See Meeting Policies & Procedures for more information.

Do I get reimbursed for any type of travel to the meeting?

Most committees meet at the regular business meetings of the National Association; all members of committees, including chairs and vice chairs, are responsible for paying their own meeting expenses.

How can I find out the next meeting date for a committee?

Committee meeting dates will appear on the schedule of events for both the Legislative Meetings and the Annual Convention. However, always confirm meeting dates, times, and locations with your assigned Committee Staff Executive.  

Association Staff Appointments

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What is an AEC representative?

AEC representatives ensure two way communication from the Association Executives Committee (AEC) to other NAR committees. They ensure that issues discussed in the respective committees have the benefit of the AE perspective and ensure that the AEC is apprised of issues being considered during and between NAR meetings. 

Is an AEC representative the same thing as an AEC liaison?

Yes, their role and responsibilities are the same, but the title was changed to eliminate confusion with the NAR president’s liaisons.

Is there still a separate process for requesting liaison appointments by key NAR committees?

There is no longer a separate process. AEC representatives (formerly known as liaisons) are now selected during the NAR committee appointment process. This change was made to streamline procedures and bring the AEC representative (liaison) appointments in line with all other NAR committee appointments.

Are AEC representatives full voting members on the committees to which they are appointed?

Yes, AEC representatives are full voting members of the committees on which they serve.

Do AEC representatives have the same terms as other committee members?

Yes. AE terms on NAR committees will be the same length as REALTOR® member terms on those committees.

How do I apply to serve as an AEC representative?

Local and state association chief staff and staff specialists are eligible to apply via the committee application that opens in March.

Can I serve on a member committee even if I’m not an AEC representative?

Yes, AEs are welcome to apply to serve on NAR committees.

Who appoints the AEC representatives?

The AEC Recommendations and Recognition Advisory Board recommends AEC representatives for all NAR committees. These recommendations are presented to the NAR President-Elect for his or her approval. 

More Questions?

If you have additional questions about serving on a committee or the application process, please contact:

Governance Team, Member Experience

Or contact Member Support at 800-874-6500.
