Quick Takeaways

Mortgage fraud may include, but is not limited to:

  • Foreclosure rescue schemes
  • Loan modification schemes
  • Illegal property flipping
  • Builder bailout/condo conversion
  • Equity skimming
  • Silent second
  • Home equity conversion mortgage
  • Commercial real estate loans
  • Air loans

Source: Financial Institution/Mortgage Fraud (Federal Bureau of Investigation)

Mortgage fraud comes in many different forms and can derive from any of the parties involved in the mortgage acquisition process—buyers, sellers, investors, property developers, appraisers, real estate agents, creditors, lenders, etc.—so it is important that all parties involved in the mortgage process recognize key signs of fraud and stay informed of the procedures for prevention.

Mortgage fraud is one of the most notorious crimes in the United States. It has left many home owners with "underwater" mortgages that are substantially higher than the valued price of their home, many lenders with defaulted loans and foreclosed homes, and many real estate professionals in the precarious position of needing to rigorously screen new clients' financial portfolios while keeping apprised of major regulatory changes and new procedures. Learn about the different types of mortgage fraud and discover how to recognize the signs, take precautions, and report incidents.

See References for more information.
