Team volume: $168.8 million
Team sides: 301
Individual volume: $9.3 million
Individual sides: 11
Friendly Competition
When asked to explain how she became the second-highest-selling agent at Opt Real Estate, a brand-new brokerage that achieved $168 million in volume last year, Allie Buchman speaks in clear terms: "I’m competitive, almost to a fault—and I’m also a lifelong learner. [Opt founder] Drew Coleman and I spent years talking about how to combat the typical ‘race to the bottom’ brokerage model, which focuses on more bodies selling and less agent support."
As Opt’s director of operations and "optimization guru," Buchman, 28, manages agents, facilitates training, and develops new workflows with support staff. As the brokerage grows, her top priority is to offer an environment that "allows agents to focus on negotiating and advocating for their clients, rather than busy work."
Her tenacity also keeps Buchman busy outside the office. A competitive tennis player, she has risen to the second-highest amateur rank on the United States Tennis Association tour and has ambitions to reach the highest level in the coming years. For Buchman, it pays off to be competitive and hungry for more—in tennis and in business, too.